Fire Awareness & Safety

About New Fire Danger Ratings

About The New Fire Danger Ratings.

A new simplified Fire Danger Rating system came into effect nationally Thursday 1st September 2022.

You will see this new system appearing on all messaging, including road side signage.

Fire Danger Ratings will be issued on days when there is a fire risk.

Each fire danger rating has a clear set of messages including the actions the community can take to reduce their risk.

Watch this short video to learn what each level means and what you need to do to stay safe. ⇒ ⇒ ⇒

Do you think this is a better system?

More about Australian Fire Danger Ratings


Fire Awareness & Safety

New Fire Danger Ratings

New Fire Danger Ratings

The way we determine and communicate Fire Danger Ratings is changing.

A new national Fire Danger Rating System is being developed using the latest science to be more accurate and relevant to where you live.

The new system will be used across Australia so whether you’re at home, traveling within Victoria or interstate, you will see the same system being used.

Australian Fire Danger Ratings

The new Fire Danger Rating system has four levels (instead of six); Moderate, High, Extreme and Catastrophic.

There’ll be actions for each level, so you’ll know what to do to protect your life, family and property.

You’ll start seeing the new fire danger ratings online and in your local community from September 2022.

For more information visit About Fire Danger Ratings